Verified email at Karl Maton LCT Centre for Knowledge-Building, University of Sydney Verified email at Ian Cathers Australian Catholic University Verified email at C. A. Creagh Senior Lecturer Physics Verified email at . Abstract The aim the presented caseof study is to investigate how analytical coherent instruments may guide the a priori and a posteriori analyses of a didactical situation. In the a priori analysis we draw on the notion of affordances, as arte-mediated opportunities for fact
Featured. The PhD Student Council of the Department of Media Studies. Representative for all PhD students studying at the Department of Media Studies . Point of contact: Designs for Learning is an international, Nordic-based peer-reviewed and open access journal in electronic format. The scope of the journal is to publish articles on designs for learning, technology enhanced learning, design-based research, multimodal knowledge representations, embodied interaction, on-line environments, and learning ecologies.
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Publish for free. Gain new readers and costumers worldwide. Jalal Nouri†. Stockholm University.
Head of subject: Paola Valero Director of Studies: Eva Norén PhD studies at the Department of Mathematics and Science Education. Studyplan.
IOSTE. The International Organization for Science and Technology Education was established to advance the cause of education in science and technology as a vital part of the general education of the peoples of all countries and to provide scholarly exchange and …
Representative for all PhD students studying at the Department of Media Studies . Point of contact: Designs for Learning is an international, Nordic-based peer-reviewed and open access journal in electronic format. The scope of the journal is to publish articles on designs for learning, technology enhanced learning, design-based research, multimodal knowledge representations, embodied interaction, on-line environments, and learning ecologies.
ARTICLE Contexts and concepts: analysing learning tasks in a foundation phase teacher education programme in South Africa Iben Christiansen a, Carol Bertram b and Tabitha Mukeredzic aDepartment of Mathematics and Science Education, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden; bSchool of Education, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa; cAdult and Post Graduate Education Unit, Faculty of
alltid en eller Sensamma . + C'est ta ( Ordspr . ) C'est tout us , su let dags da . Dagens Nyheters publicerade 2021-03-08 en artikel om granskning av skogsindustrins lobbyverksamhet. Artikeln visar att omtvistade budskap om skogen och skogsnäringen riktas mot svenska mellanstadiebarn.
I am currently involved in researching mathematics teacher education in the TRACE project
Verified email at Physics Education Research Higher Education Physics Teacher Training Disciplinary Literacy Social Semiotics. Articles Cited by Public access Co-authors. Title. Sort. Sort by citations Sort by year Sort by title. Educators' work is a key element in museums' learning experience, yet knowledge about their professional development is still limited.
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Jennifer Hall Monash University, Australia & Eva Norén Stockholm University, Sweden; Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Stockholm University, SE‐106 91 Stockholm, Sweden. Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Stockholm University, SE‐106 91 Stockholm, SwedenSearch for more papers by this author Carl-Johan Rundgren Docent i naturvetenskapsämnenas didaktik, Stockholms universitet Verified email at Zih-Ping Ho This is a robot version Verified email at Ja-Ling Wu National Taiwan University Verified email at 2018-11-13 · (2019). Preservice Science Teachers’ Opportunities for Learning Through Reflection When Planning a Microteaching Unit.
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